Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Community Partnership for Independent Living

Twenty years of the McCauley Apartments Program.

Chris Leclair. Supplied

This year is the twentieth year in which McCauley Apartment programming has been in existence under E4C and Capital Region Housing Corporation partnership. March 10 will be a day of celebration to mark the occasion. More information will be shared through postings and media in the coming weeks.

To show how McCauley Apartments has made an impact in the lives of residents, here is an interview with Chris Leclair, a current tenant.

“2001… I think? I was living at Meadows Lodge. It’s a group home where there are 20 men living in homes in the neighbourhood. We did cooking, cleaning, and chores, but they purchased the food, so there is no real choice of what to eat…”

“I wasn’t self-sufficient, and I didn’t know how to cook or clean. I have Kleinfelter’s Syndrome [a genetic disorder causing one or more X chromosomes in males]. Meadows taught me how to do these things. At first it was hard, but then we worked out issues. I was living at one of the satellite houses, and things were going well. I heard about McCauley Apartments. I wanted to do things for myself like cooking and taking care of my place. And, more privacy and to keep more personal items and stuff. I asked the workers if I could move, and within six weeks I was accepted and moved in. I like the people here. Most people are nice. If you need something, most people are there for you.

“I’ve been able to go places, and have met new people who have a lot in common with me. We can go for coffee and try different things. It has affected my life in a good way. I don’t have anger issues anymore. I still take medications and testosterone to help my bones and regulate my mood swings. I’ve done volunteering with the programming here and also the community. I have connected with many different people and opportunities because of living here. You can do things at Meadows, but it’s a little different. What I like is having freedom. You have your own suite, and you can have your own pet. Having a pet has been great because I have a companion in my cat Macy. It makes it better, and not as stressful. I am a foster parent with the SCARS foster pet program, where I am given a pet to take care of. I take care of the cat. I go pick up supplies at their warehouse each month. I think I am benefitting most in our relationship. She is helping me emotionally. I take care of her needs and she is there, steady and affectionate.”

“We do the tenants’ association. People come to us, and we discuss how we might help them solve problems and issues. Usually we communicate with Capital Region Housing. It’s a good way for things to get done, and for us to work together to solve problems.”

“I like the people, and the staff are awesome. It’s because the staff take us to places for different programs. I like the neighbourhood and the people. You get the good and the bad – you just have to be careful. I like the WECAN Food Basket as I was a volunteer with them for over 10 years. It got me out and involved in volunteering. I’m taking it easy and working on overcoming my anxiety for getting out of the house.”

“20 years is pretty good. That’s a long time! Not many organizations have been around that long. I look forward to attending the 20th year celebration on Friday, March 10th at Sacred Heart Church in their hall.”

Taro is the Community Development Officer – McCauley Apartments.

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