Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Family Tribute at the McCauley Rink

The Mannarino/Pagnotta Family. Dan Glugosh

Since 2013, every year on January 17th the Mannarino and Pagnotta family pay a memorial tribute to Albert Pagnotta. Albert, one of the builders of the original McCauley Community Rink, grew up and lived in McCauley for all of his 47 years. Albert was the chef at our community’s Santa Maria Goretti Centre, and was most generous in feeding and employing our homeless citizens.

This year, his family gathered to put together care packages that included masks, toques, gloves, and socks. These were delivered to me (Dan Glugosh) at our community rink for distribution. Also, a large cash donation was given to the rink, for repairs and upgrades. Those in our community who help people here make the Boyle Street/McCauley area special.

Dan Glugosh lives in McCauley and coordinates the McCauley Rink.

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