Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Lifetime of Peace Activism

Boyle Street resident awarded at ceremony in City Hall.

Cecily Mills. Paula E. Kirman

Cecily Mills was awarded the Polovnikoff-Mokry Lifetime Service Award on November 5 during the Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards ceremony at City Hall.

Cecily holds a PhD in Microbiology and has had a varied career teaching at the high school and post-secondary levels. She taught in English, French, and Spanish. In mid-life, she decided to take another path, resulting in experiences such as living in a shelter for homeless women in Seattle.

In November of 1991, she was a Witness for Peace in Chiapas and Guatamala, then spent four months at language school, which led to three years of leading 13 delegations of North Americans, writing for the Nicaragua Farmers’ View, and immersing herself in the country’s post-Contra War challenges.

She taught high school for three years with Volunteer Missionary Response in a remote Mayan village. Cecily has also been involed as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, Change for Children, and keeping Alberta nuclear-free. She is also a regular contributor to Boyle McCauley News and is a music lover and patron.

The Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards are organized by the Edmonton chapter of Project Ploughshares.

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