Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Community Safety Blitz in McCauley

Students and EPS speak to residents about crime prevention.

David Williamson

On the evening of October 21, a group of volunteers from Centre High Campus, along with a dozen EPS officers led by Constable Ryan May, conducted a community awareness “blitz” in McCauley. The group broke into teams and knocked on doors to speak to residents about crime prevention with a focus on auto theft. The team spoke with 50 residents, left information in 50 mailboxes, and handed out 56 “Car Curfew” stickers (which helps EPS identify potentially stolen vehicles).This is the first of more community blitzes that will happen in the near future. A big thank to all the volunteers and the EPS for their efforts to make our community safer

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