Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A New Program and Seeking Volunteers

The Boyle Street Community League (BSCL) board has been hard at work this spring planning programming and events for 2019 and volunteering at our casino. A special thank you to every person who came out to support us in filling all the volunteer casino shifts. We could not have done it with out you!

New Sunday program. This spring, every Sunday from 1:30-2:30 p.m. is Open Gym Time at the Boyle Street Plaza. Families and people of all ages are invited to enjoy the facilities free of charge. Please come over to run around, connect with your neighbours and spend at least part of the weekend playing.

Looking for volunteers. We would love to have more people helping us to bring awesome programming to the community. Have you been wanting to meet new people or get out of the house more? How about using some of your great skills and passions to help others?

Let us know you want to be a part of the league by completing the volunteer sign-up sheet on our Boyle Street Community League Facebook page or at

For regular updates about BSCL activities and news about the community, follow our Facebook page,

– Your BSCL Board

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