Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


A Question of Balance

When I think of the word “balance,” I imagine someone on a tightrope in a circus, trying to make it across from one end to the other.

What I describe above is a fitting comparison to many of our lives. We race between work and our various other obligations often with little time for rest or reflection, coming home exhausted and having to repeat the same scenario the next day.

Part of the blame lies with the structure of our society. Many people have to work more than one job just to make ends meet. Circumstances lead many people to live far away from family members and friends who could provide emotional and practical support (like child care).

However, sometimes some of the blame resides with us. Speaking for me, I can get so wrapped up in my work or side projects that I forget to take time for myself.

As a result, now I make an extra effort to do things I enjoy and which bring balance to my life. For example, I find that if I do not play music or ride my bicycle for a while, I start to feel agitated and tense. These feelings go away almost as soon as I pick up a guitar or get on my bike. I have found that by implementing better time management into my life, I can do whatever I need to do without neglecting my work and other essential duties.

I know people who find their balance in everything from cooking to meditation to yoga to simply taking long strolls in the river valley. The activities that bring a sense of balance into your lives do not matter. What matters is that you find the time to do these things that bring about a sense of calm and peace of mind.

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