Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


A Reflection on Light

We can spread light throughout our lives and community by sharing love and creating a unique place to live.

The dictionary has many definitions of light, so I will pick the first one I read. Light, a noun, means simply “to shine.”

I will reflect on some personal family lights in my life, starting with my dad. He left us Dec. 14, 2004. He was a huge light in the life of my brothers and I. He didn’t just tell us he loved our mother and us, he showed it. We miss him, but his light still shines in our lives.I sometimes hear his voice or see his light showing me some meaningful words, or just a reflection of his face in my mind and I see his smile.

I hope I can be a light to my son, and to be a part of the light that the Boyle Street Community League board and staff have shone here in Boyle Street – to show others what a great community this is, to show others the little treasures, the amazing buildings, the artistry that youth and adults have left on some of the buildings in the community. That would be their light to us, and the light the local residents and business people have shown by their giving and sharing.

All of these “lights” make Boyle Street the unique community it has become over the years. What is your reflection of light?

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