Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


About Activism

I have been involved in Edmonton’s activist scene for a number of years. I have marched to the Legislature countless times, organized events, given speeches, sung songs, and documented most of what I have done and where I have been in photographs and film.

However, activism doesn’t necessarily have to involve marching in the street holding placards and shouting slogans. Nor does it have to involve huge, global issues. Activism is about being passionate about an issue and then standing up for your beliefs surrounding that cause.

When it comes to activism, we have to look no further than our area here in Boyle Street and McCauley to see passion on matters of social justice on a regular basis. I think about neighbours who band together to get drug houses shut down. I have witnessed people going before City Council and the school board. While we don’t always get the desired outcomes, a clear message is sent to the powers that be, that people of Boyle Street and McCauley are not complacent.

I also think of people who live in the area who have taken public personal stands with regards to transportation, disability issues, sexual exploitation, and poverty. I think that Boyle Street and McCauley attracts activists because it takes community and grassroots actions to keep the area healthy and vibrant.

So, the next time an issue comes your way towards which you feel passionate, get up and do something. Even if it seems small, you never know what kind of ripple effect it may have. Don’t worry about trying to change the world – try to change the world around you.

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