Abundant Community Coordinator Hired in McCauley

The McCauley Community League is pleased to introduce Stacey Emmerzael. Stacey is our new Neighbourhood Connector, nurturing our local expression of Abundant Communities Edmonton (ACE). ACE is a movement that has been growing across the city, helping people be more connected and caring neighbours. The movement began in response to a growing trend of urban isolation: people finding themselves alone and disconnected from local relationships.
As our neighbourhood connector, Stacey will be helping us think like a village again – rediscovering the small but big joys of eating together, playing together, caring for each other, and working together to make things better for all of us. I personally think this is an easy sell in our community, as McCauley has a lot of neighbour warmth already. People say hi to each other all the time, and many of us are already seeing our kids playing together. But not everyone feels this warmth here, and that’s something we can work on. Maybe we just need a few more high octane logs on the community fire. This we can do, and I hope you will be in for the fun!
Stacey is an outgoing and passionate person with five years of experience living in Asia. She is a teacher by trade, and has a lot of experience training and working with volunteers.
Stacey’s work begins with finding local neighbourhood block connectors. Most of us likely already have someone on our block who helps people get to know each other. Stacey will be gathering some of these local leaders to dream together about how to deepen community here in McCauley, along with some resources to help things go.
If you are passionate about neighbouring, (or have a neighbour who you admire as a connector on your block), we hope you’ll connect with us to learn more and get involved. Contact Stacey at staseeteacher@yahoo.com, or one of the ACE support team: Mike Van Boom, Rosalie Gelderman, and Anne Fitzpatrick.