Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Heart of the City 2016

Another fantastic festival celebrating inner city music, art, and spoken word.

Artist Lynn Daviduk. Paula E. Kirman

Thanks to everyone who joined us at Heart of the City Festival this year! With over 60 acts, 120 volunteers, and more than 2,000 attendees, it was truly a community celebration of creativity in central Edmonton!

Once again, we could not have asked for better weather in Giovanni Caboto Park. In addition to the sunny skies, new to the park this year were two new stages. Along with our amazing main stage performers, we hoped you enjoyed the Beat spoken word and poetry stage, and the CreART youth development stage. As well, the workshops focused on sustainability, the whole park was a chance for inspiration and opportunity through the arts!

The success of the festival was not possible without the support of so many people and organizations. Big thanks to Rosalie Gelderman, Mary Rankin, Brandon Atkinson, Mike, Ross, Marie, Morris, and the whole Edmonton Folk Festival volunteer team, Jesse, Mike, and rest of the crew from Listen Louder, the Edmonton Arts Council, Boyle McCauley News, all the student volunteers from Louis St. Laurent school, the City of Edmonton, neighbours, friends, and everyone who made it to the festival.

For the 13th year, thanks for once again putting your heart into it!

Rylan is a board member with Heart of the City.

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