Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


An Afternoon with Anne Stevenson

Anne Stevenson. Supplied

I recently had a brief afternoon video chat with our newly-elected City Councillor for Ward O-day’min, Anne Stevenson. Our time together was delightful, comfortable, and gave us a chance to speak about our community.

Anne brings an abundance of experience and knowledge to her position. Anne’s background is as an urban planner with a passion for building an equitable city that serves all residents. She holds an undergraduate degree in international development and economics, as well as a Master’s in city design. After 10 years of working and traveling abroad, Anne returned to her hometown of Edmonton in 2012. She spent seven years at the City of Edmonton and was working at the Right at Home Housing Society prior to the election.

Housing is an issue in every community, but in ours affordable and accessible housing has been an issue for a while. Another major issue is residential upkeep of our streets and safety. Anne believes our city can do more, and she plans on keeping these concerns in the spotlight. Issues can be brought forward to Anne by members of the community. Anne understands the importance of community members in the decision-making process, so your ideas and concerns are encouraged.

Anne’s campaign office was located in the Piazza in McCauley, so she spent a lot of time here and was able to witness a lot of the area’s character. She spoke to me about diversity, getting aging and closed buildings assessed, and attracting new neighbours and businesses.

Anne struck me as a very good listener, and as our interview was done via video, her smile was abundant. When asked about highlights of our community, she mentioned many favourites: Giovanni Caboto Park, The Italian Centre, and Sorrentino’s.

Welcome Anne! We look forward to many pleasant and enriching encounters in our community.

Anne can be reached by phone at 780-496-8333 or by email at:

Ian is a columnist with the paper. He lives in the area.

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