Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Anger is Leading to Action

The summer of 2013 will be remembered as quite eventful. Unfortunately, it will not only be remembered for fun times and cool events. Overshadowing much of that was an armed robbery in July at the Boyle McCauley Pharmacy, where the pharmacist was assaulted. This was followed just a short time thereafter by a series of violent attacks against community members in the 110A Avenue area, resulting in a tragic death of a resident and one community member having to defend himself with a machete.

The impact of these crimes resonated throughout the neighbourhood and beyond. People were scared. People were angry. They atill are, and rightfully so. I am seeing that energy being channelled into concrete action. This area has a proven history of community citizens coming together to effect positive change.

Crime in any form is unacceptable and needs to be addressed by the EPS in a way that is consistent and best serves the needs of the community. What happened this summer is not something that can just be brushed off as hazards of living in the inner city.

The rest of the city is watching and taking notice that Boyle Street and McCauley needs safety, peace, and justice. Speak up. Speak out. This is your community. Own it.

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