Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Remembering Robert Felker

Robert Felker Supplied

On behalf of McCauley Crime Council, I’d like to extend our deepest sympathies to the friends, neighbours, and family of Robert Felker. His death is a terrible tragedy, and many of us in McCauley grieve his loss. Robert was a good neighbour. When he saw trouble in his neighbourhood, he didn’t just pull the blinds and turn up the television. He got involved. He sacrificed his time, energy, and person to help others. This time, he laid down his life. Jesus said, “greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” This is how we will remember Robert. His bravery and his sacrifice, and his great love will not be forgotten. 

Our neighbourhood does carry many burdens and witness many tragedies. In most cases, those of us who live here are the first ones to see and respond. By doing so, many of us have the opportunity to make a difference, and that may mean the difference between life and death. So let’s continue to be a neighbourhood that loves and cares. When you see or hear something, please do get up and do something. With something like this, phoning 911 is the first and best course of action. The police are best helped by neighbours who are on the watch and who care enough to call. 

And if you’re having trouble getting a situation resolved, rally your neighbours and work together to get a response from those able to do something. Safety in our neighbourhood is something we all play a role in fighting for. At the Crime Council, we want to hear your concerns and what you see so that we can advocate for solutions. Please feel free to connect with us at any time. Currently, the best way to do that is by emailing me at Put “Crime Council” in the subject line.

Mike Van Boom is the Chair of the United McCauley Crime Council.

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