Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • December 2024-January 2025 • Circulation 5000


April-May 2022

Welcome to our April-May issue! This is an exciting time for Boyle McCauley News. Our casino is coming up later in April, which is going to help financially. However, keeping the paper sustainable will continue to be a community effort. Learn about our Our Toss Us Your Toonies campaign, where you can donate as little as $2 monthly, at

If you use social media, you can help build our online readership by following us, liking our posts, and sharing our content. We’re bmcnews on "Facebook": and "Twitter":, and bmcviews on Instagram. We also have a free e-newsletter that you can sign up for at our website:

If you love reading the paper and want to see it thrive, consider becoming a member of the Boyle Street McCauley Community Newspaper Society, the non-profit organization that publishes the paper. You will help support us as we build our membership and receive occasional updates – and best of all, it’s free to join. You can apply for membership at

We always need volunteers, especially contributors and people to deliver the paper in both McCauley and Boyle Street. Contact me at to learn more and find out what delivery routes are available.

Take care, and enjoy the issue!

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