Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Being Helpful: Theory and Practice

Helping people is a two-way street, with benefits for each.

It’s a good thing to help other people, right? It seems like a rhetorical question, doesn’t it? It is not. It’s a complicated question that has as many different perspectives and opinions as a goose has feathers.

I’ve worked in the “helping” field over the course of several years. I’ve had a job here and a job there. With every new place came a new dimension of humanity. I am not an expert on the social sciences. I am a struggling student of human kindness.

We’ve all had our struggles through life. We’ve fought against ourselves and against outside forces. Through these struggles we are meant to better ourselves. That’s not an easy accomplishment. It’s very difficult, when in the midst of conflict, to have a positive perspective. So, how does one when help another in need?

I’ve found the most helpful thing is to be kind. The refrain I hear myself say again and again within the contexts of relationships is, “You can’t row their boat for them.” That can be a difficult assertion for people whose instinct is to help. However, we are all on our own path and our personal paths are not identical to any other. We have to allow for self-determination. It helps develop a personal sense of instinct and empowerment. We have to allow individuals to evolve into the person who they want to be and a person in whom they can believe.

It is really quite extraordinary to watch people evolve – how despair can change to optimism, anger to forgiveness, and fear to resolve. Witnessing such development has garnered a respect in me for human resilience. It has reminded me of the depth and breadth of human existence. It has blessed me with hope.

Helping others is never a one-way street. I have benefited from being of service as much as others have benefited from my service. Hope for humanity springs gently forth from hope for yourself.

Keri lives and is helpful in Boyle Street.

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