Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Black History Month at City Hall

From left: Tony Caterina, Ward 7 Councillor; Brian Simpson, EPS Deputy Chief; Lise Robinson, City of Edmonton; Dave Loken, Ward 3 Councillor; Jan Fox, REACH Edmonton; Todd Janes, McCauley Revitalization; Jesse Lipscombe; Ahmed Abdulkadir OSCAR Executive Director; David Shepherd, Edmonton Centre MLA (Behind Abdulkadir); Mike Ellis, Calgary-West MLA; Bashir Mohamed; Nasra Adem, Edmonton Youth Poet Laureate;  Abdirahman Mahdi, Chairman, Ogaden People’s Rights Organization; Ric McIver, Interim PC Leader; Dr. Manfred Zeuch, Concordia University Edmonton; Hassan Moalin, ONLF Executive; and Ray Martin, EPSB Ward D Trustee. Adam Millie

The Black History Month celebration at City Hall on February 10 was organized by the Ogaden Somali Community of Alberta Residents (OSCAR) and Concordia University of Edmonton, and was also supported by McCauley Revitalization.

Photos by Adam Millie

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