Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Book Celebrates Church Street

Cover of Church Street . . . Where Hope Grows. The artwork is by Aimee Maya, also known as Persuasion. She is a youth from the iHuman Youth Society. Supplied

Church Street . . . Where Hope Grows
Words by Patricia Travers
Photography by Sandra Franzoi
Travers Publishing House

Church Street has caught the attention of writer Patricia Travers and photographer Sandra Franzoi. The result of their collaboration is Church Street . . . Where Hope Grows, a book featuring stunning photographs of the churches, particularly their architecture and icons, as well as portraits and words from people in the area. The latter represent a slice of life from the area: both “haves” and “have nots” and their various joys and struggles.

Woven between the photos are Travers’ poetry and prose, providing her observations on life in Church Street and the beauty, history, and struggles that can be found there. Her style is extremely sentimental and weaves between different forms and structures. The book is beautifully laid out and quite unique and artful. It demonstrates just how powerful Church Street is visually, and in terms of issues of faith social justice.

A second book, A Journey On Church Street, which discusses the making of the first book, will be online this summer. There are also plans for a four-volume hardcover collection of the Church Street book this fall.

Church Street . . . Where Hope Grows is available as an eBook that can be ordered directly through Travers Publishing:

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