Booklet Explores the History of Little Italy

The latest booklet in the McCauley historical series has been released. Little Italy: A Place of History and Culture in McCauley was written by Adriana Davies, one of Edmonton’s foremost authorities on Italian culture and history in Edmonton. The Italian Centre’s Teresa Spinelli served as the project’s Cultural Consultant. Boyle McCauley News’ Paula E. Kirman handled the photography and editing, while Vikki Wiercinski did the design.
Kirman and Wiercinski have worked on all five of the booklets in the series, which began with the overview McCauley Then and Now, written by Gary Garrison and Sara Coumantarakis, and published in 2013. Four smaller booklets on specific areas and cultures followed: Church Street, Chinatown, Indigenous, and now Little Italy. All of the booklets were created with the support of the City of Edmonton/McCauley Revitalization.
The booklet launch on November 18 at Spinelli’s featured a talk from writer Adriana Davies, and the sharing of memories from some elders of the Italian community.
All of the booklets can be downloaded in PDF form from the Boyle McCauley News website at