Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Caring About Community

“Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community.” – Anthony J. D’Angelo

I care about my community, which is one of the oldest thriving communities in Edmonton.

An ideal community is where you can be born, go to school, work, and grow old. Our community is rich in history and culture.

I recently attended an interesting forum called “Pecha Kucha” (Japanese for “Chit-Chat”) at the beautiful Winspear Centre, where an array of speakers from across Canada gave presentations on developing downtowns. It was insightful, innovative, and, most of all, motivating to listen to alternatives about mixing the old with the new. There were discussions on abundant meeting centres, coffee shops, locally run businesses, and other ways to give the city a heartbeat!

I keep involved in attending meetings about the progression and restoration of our community. Issues of accessibility and being barrier free are of huge interest to me, so every member of every walk of life can access every amenity at any time.

I urge everyone to participate in every proposal of growth and restoration in our area.

We are the ones who shape our communities: we, the residents. We have so many celebrations noting this, like East Meets West and Heart of the City.

I urge everyone to participate in every proposal of growth and restoration in our area. Probably one of the best resources is the paper you are reading now! Get to know your neighbours, your City Councillor, the neighbourhood business owners and keep the heartbeat of Boyle Street and McCauley pumping forever!

As one we are a voice, as two we are a concern, and as a community we become an action!

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