Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Chalk Your Block Winners

Part of the winning Chalk Your Block Entry. Sharon Pasula

The last issue of Boyle McCauley News reported about the “Chalk Your Block” contest in Boyle Street. Now, we can tell you who won the free block party.

The winning entry was done by the Reiniger family and me (Sharon Pasula). We drew a representation of our neighbourhood also using a few props. The results were creative and inspiring.

The block party included a fire in the middle of the street (which was blocked off), s’mores, and hot chocolate. It was a small crowd but new friends were made. Thanks to Joelle for taking the lead on the project. This initiative is one way to grow community and create safe spaces. Take advantage of any community initiatives with which you become aware. You never know who you will meet.

Sharon Pasula is an Indigenous spiritual and cultural resource person who lives in Boyle Street.

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