Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Cultivate Community Block Party

Warming up by the fire pit. Taro Hashimoto

The fire pit crackled as people huddled around giggling and enjoying hot chocolate and marshmallows on a crisp cold evening at McCauley Apartments on September 27th.

The warming sounds of local musicians including Sebastian Barrera and others filled the walls with the vibrations of what community cultivation can do to an otherwise bland space. It was a happy event where community workers, volunteers, and neighbours helped each other make things go smoothly and easily. If you weren’t offered a hot dog or hot chocolate, you weren’t at the right venue. One of the highlights of the event was when MLA Janis Irwin came along and offered her support to the community and the Community Collaborative Mural Project.

This event presented the possibility for beautification and activation of a space in the neighbourhood that is important for so many people. We are thankful for all the helping hands and positive energy that were shared – even after everything was shut down, and just a few old hippies were singing silly songs by the last burning log of wood.

For more information, and for ways in which you or your business/organization can become involved as a mural sponsor and plaque honouree, contact: or call 780-424-2870/780-964-3444.

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