Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Christmas Cookies and Family

Even after 35 years in Edmonton, the holiday season is a time of year that can bring about feelings of sadness, loneliness, and anxiety that often occur at this time of year.

I would indulge in high calorie foods such as chocolate that I do not eat when I am feeling well. I had a headache because I was unable to sleep, and was also unable to budget financially for gifts for family members and friends.

One day a customer ordered 20 boxes of my special coconut Ladyfinger cookies. She told me that her friends love it. She wrapped the boxes with red ribbons for Christmas gifts. This wonderful idea stayed with me. I now make a lot of cookies for customers and for my friends who are here and for those who are far away.

I feel happier, have more time to take care of myself, and keep my gift giving within a reasonable budget. A simple gift can bring happiness. Also, this brings back great childhood memories of when I was in Vietnam celebrating Christmas. My grandmother, mother, and aunts used to make cookies and new clothes for the children.

“I’ll Be Home for Christmas” is a classic song about longing to be home with the ones we love. Christmas is celebrated with the sounds of music, the scent of food cooking, and the bright colours of decorative lights. It is a time for family and friends to gather together and celebrate.

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