Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Community Care and Action

I know that things can feel heavy these days, both globally and here closer to home. Caring for ourselves and our loved ones feels more important than ever right now. But we know that it’s also so important to care for our neighbours and our local communities, and to build and strengthen our community ties.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about community care, something that we see a lot of throughout our neighbourhoods of Boyle Street and McCauley. This comes in many forms, like checking in on neighbours or sharing a meal. For people on the receiving end, these moments of care can make all the difference.

I’ve also seen folks in our community fight tirelessly for change, whether through advocating for their unhoused neighbours, pushing for accessible healthcare for all, or standing together against bigotry and hate. It’s these things that make me prouder than ever to be your MLA, and it’s truly an honour to work alongside you to make our communities, and our world, safer, more equitable, and better for everyone.

I hear from you every day that you want to see action on a number of issues: the housing crisis, mental health, the drug poisoning crisis, climate change, public healthcare, a robust education system, and other vital ground-level supports. I couldn’t agree more, and I’m proud that I’m a part of the Alberta NDP team that is in the Legislature right now fighting for these very things. 

This session, we’re proposing real action on these issues. We’re tabling legislation on class sizes through reinstating class size reporting. We’re standing up for our public healthcare system, and the workers who support it, by fighting the government’s plans to balloon the bureaucracy and add more layers. And as the Official Opposition Critic for Housing, I’m so proud to be introducing a private member’s bill that includes greater investments in affordable housing and action on skyrocketing rents. 

As always, I want to hear from you. Please reach out, and know that as always, I’m here.

Take good care of yourselves and each other.

Janis Irwin, MLA for Edmonton-Highlands-Norwood
Phone: 780-414-0682

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