Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Critical Mass: A Ride With a Message

Cyclists along 97 Street during Critical Mass. Paula E. Kirman

Once a month, a group of cyclists ride from City Hall to Gazebo Park via the High Level Bridge.

It is called Critical Mass, although I like to call this The Great Ride. We gather outside of City Hall at 5:30 on the last Friday of the month. The number of cyclists varies depending on the time of year. It can be as few as a dozen in the winter or as many as a couple hundred in June, which is Bike Month.

From City Hall we head south along 97 Street to Jasper Avenue, then west to 109 street then south over the High Level Bridge. We ride as a group and span an entire lane on the street and the whole two lanes on the bridge. The ride ends with a speech at Gazebo Park.
Critical Mass exists to bring attention to motorists that bicycles are vehicles too and that we have to share the road. If you would like take part, contact the Edmonton Bicycle Commuters ( for information about the rides.

Wesley lives in McCauley and is a carrier for BMC News.

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