Death of a Salesman
As the theatre filled with guests, conversations fluttered throughout the room in a calm serene manner. Some conversations could have been a play within itself. Sitting comfortably in my seat I noticed the backdrop was a romantic silhouette of apartment buildings and the stage consisted of four separate rooms without the use of walls. There were two bedrooms, a kitchen, and imaginary front yard. With great anticipation, the lights started to dim, voices turned into whispers, whispers turned into silence. The room got pitch black, the play was about to begin.
Willie Loman made his mark as soon as he walked on stage. The background music complimented his slow paced waddle through the dark cold night to the pathway of his home. From start to finish, each scene gradually revealed the life and secrets of Willie Loman. It was most fascinating when the scenes from his past experiences would randomly, but strategically appear. Symbolism played a huge role throughout the production.
With every leading man there is a leading lady. His wife was a loving, caring, and submissive woman. She undressed and dressed her man and made sure his favourite foods were in the fridge. She made the best of everything and was the best listener a husband could have. There was a person behind me who did not like the way the wife was portrayed and muttered comments of their disapproval.
The Loman boys were full of energy and emotion. The set was wonderfully built because the audience would not recognize their exit unless they really paid attention. The communication between father and sons were played out to the max. The story line and the professional actors truly represented their role as if it were a friend talking to you in a time of need. I got pulled in from the beginning and did not want to leave for intermission. They stopped the play just to leave you hanging and looking forward to the next act.
The ending was so powerful that it literally shook me out of my seat. The actors were amazing! Slowly, one by one, each person came out and gave a bow. Willie Loman was the last to enter the stage and received a standing ovation. It was a proud moment for the whole production team. It gave me goose bumps. I thoroughly enjoyed Death of a Salesman at the Citadel.