Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


December 2024-January 2025

As I write this, it’s still November. It’s reasonably warm for this time of year with just a little snow. However, by the time you read these words it will likely be December, and possibly a lot colder with more of the white stuff on the ground. Confession: I’m not a lover of snow, though I do respect my fellow humans who enjoy winter. While I do not share that feeling, I accept the change represented by the shifting seasons. 

We’ve had some changes here at Boyle McCauley News as well. Three of our board members recently finished the maximum number of terms they can serve. Thank you to Alan Schietzsch, a Chair extraordinaire; Mike Siek, our reliable Secretary; and Megan Elizabeth, a Member-at-Large with a lot of ideas and input.

At the same time, we welcome Corine Demas to our board. Many of you know Corine by reading her Heart of the City artist profiles, and through her service to the community with the McCauley Community League, where she currently serves as President.

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