Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Two Recent Events and Looking Forward to More

MCL President Corine Demas (left), organizer Shelley Hollingsworth (centre, in orange), and volunteer Donna Mackey (right) pose with “Stanley” at The Inner City Kids Halloween Party on October 31st. Paula E. Kirman

The leaves have fallen and the weather is turning colder. The McCauley Community League is looking forward to putting in the ice and opening the rink as soon as it is cold enough for the ice to freeze.

Among the events we held this fall was the September 21st Community League Day event at The Aviary, which is located just outside McCauley. We offered our neighbours glitter tattoos, henna, caricatures, and 15 minute massages. We served pizza, pop, cotton candy, and popcorn. We were entertained by the band Wine Stained Lips, and Steven Darnel hosted trivia for the kids and adults. All this was free to our neighbours. We want to thank those who attended and The Aviary for the use of their space and the excellent service.

We also hosted the 30th anniversary of The Inner City Kids Safe Halloween Party in conjunction with Shelly Hollingsworth, who has been organizing the party since its inception. There were games, prizes, a costume giveaway, and, of course, loads of candy for the kids. We served the traditional hot chocolate, juice, chips, and hot dogs.

The McCauley Community League wishes to thank City Councillor Anne Stevenson for her generous donations which helped make our Community League Day party and the Inner City Kids Safe Halloween party so special.

While we are thanking people, we can’t forget our many volunteers who came out to help the parties run smoothly.

In the future we will host a fireworks watch party for New Year’s Eve from 5 to 10 p.m. at the rink, as well as our annual Family Day extravaganza.

The MCL would also like to let you know that our building committee is in the process of hiring a project manager to oversee the building of a new Rink Pavilion. Good things are ahead in McCauley.

Corine Demas is the President of the McCauley Community League and is now on the board of Boyle McCauley News.

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