Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Dining Around

One of the defining characteristics of the Boyle Street and McCauley area is the large number of restaurants. Not any kind of restaurants, but mostly independent, “Mom and Pop” types of eateries. Few are the chains and the fast food outlets.

For people who prefer to mostly cook their own meals, even the choice of grocery shopping directly in the area is local and independent. The two major ones are Lucky 97 and the Italian Centre, with a variety of smaller Asian grocers peppered throughout.

Walking through Chinatown, one can find a noodle for every occasion. There is a Vietnamese noodle bowl house every few feet – literally. I have always marveled at the sheer number of restaurants serving similar kinds of food, and all thriving. I became a pho (Vietnamese noodle soup) addict some years ago, and can even taste the variations between the way the different restaurants cook up the delicious combination of broth, noodles, and meat.

The restaurants in the area also represent the cultural diversity of Boyle Street and McCauley. In addition to the aforementioned Vietnamese restaurants, there is also Thai, Chinese, and Korean – and that is just in Chinatown! Venture over to Little Italy and you will find Balkan, African, and, of course, Italian fare, all within a two-block radius, and even more if you head up to 111 Avenue where Tony’s is located.

Yes, there are some chains and fast food places – sometimes, you just have to have a greasy burger and some fries. But for the most part, the experience of dining in the neighbourhood supports local, independent restaurant owners offering a taste of the globe.

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