Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Elections Are Coming

p(dropcap) “Without You the Election Won’t Be the Same” – Elections Alberta 2018

Well, 2019 marks election time in Alberta. We are heading to the polls likely in May for Alberta’s 30th provincial election, then again in October for Canada’s 43rd federal election.

For now, let’s concentrate on the Alberta election. Campaign signs and rallies will be very visible in the new year. It is our right to vote! It is our voice!

June 7, 1917 was the first time most women were able to vote in Alberta, and 1929 was the year the British Privy Council declared women could hold public office. In 1960, First Nations people were given the right to vote with no restrictions, so we have made progress – but let’s keep going forward. You have the right to ask questions of the people running in your ward.

The right to vote is a great advantage. There are still countries in the world that citizens are restricted from voting! And yes, EVERY VOTE COUNTS!

If you want to register to vote, you can contact Elections Alberta online at ELECTIONS.AB.CA by phone at 1-877-422-8683 (Mon.-Fri. 8:15 a.m.-8 p.m.,;Sat.-Sun. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.). Also, enumerators will be visiting September 8 to 30. It takes mere minutes to register!

Elections Alberta is able to ask any questions you may have, so let’s get out and vote to have a say in what is best for you and future generations!

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