Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Family-Friendly Sports in McCauley

Children playing basketball at the McCauley Rink and Amy

Some of you may have noticed activity in Giovanni Caboto Park and at the McCauley Rink during the summer. This year, the McCauley Community League organized a Family-Friendly Sports program for July and August.

On Mondays, it was basketball at the Rink and Wednesdays were for soccer in the park. We registered over 50 kids between the ages of 3 and 10 at a low fee of $20, which included a McCauley t-shirt, socks, and shin guards. We also hired trainers – Soleil Heaney, Cayley Mendoza and Pearce McKinney – to teach and train. Big thanks goes to parent volunteers who were a huge help to our trainers: Ryan Keyes, Mike Johnson, Nicole Geoffrey, Mario Morales, and Mitchel Payne, as well as a few youth volunteers.

It is definitely a program we want to continue for next year. We received great feedback from parents and it was well-attended for a summer program.

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