Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


Embracing Life at Christmas

I am not a lover of snow. As a Canadian, I expect cold, wintery days. I can’t imagine the days when our grandparents or even out parents had to trudge through knee-deep snow just to survive.

I try to count my blessings as I stay in my home nice and toasty warm. I sure love some nice hot apple cinnamon drink or peppermint tea. For me, spending chilly cold days inside can lead to cabin fever, so I still try to get out to things I enjoy like meetings and church services.

With Christmas time just around the corner again and another birthday of mine it is time to do some planning for a family dinner. I may put up some decorations after I do some wall washing and dusting. I like to see my kids’ eyes light up with the idea of helping out.

I had a Christmas tree set up last year for the kids and it was great. This year I just want to set the decorations up with no tree. Our new place is quite small but very cozy. I’d like to see what new ideas we can brainstorm this year in setting the atmosphere.

My gift to others is to pray and spend time with them. I was watching a movie online the other night and noticed one scene with a young family out at a skating rink just having fun. It triggered a memory of when I was a child in the little town I lived in and my older brothers used to take us skating at the local arena. It was so much fun.

Being a blessing to another is what counts. What matters the most is family even if it is not just people related to you. Other people can become family.

As a child growing up, we always had hard times. I didn’t have much to speak of materialistically but I had my family whom I loved. I try to show my kids love in many ways every day. Being a blessing to another is what counts. What matters the most is family even if it is not just people related to you. Other people can become family.

Life is wonderful. Embrace it with a vengeance and live it to the fullest. And remember: Christmas is a tradition the world enjoys once a year, but God is the same today, yesterday, and forever. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

Clara lives in McCauley.

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