Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Fall Fiesta is McCauley’s Party

Volunteers helping serve refreshments. Paula E. Kirman

Around 300 people came out for this year’s Fall Fiesta in Giovanni Caboto Park on September 17.

The morning started off pretty wet so volunteers had to set up in the rain, but it cleared up beautifully and the event began to come together. Tables were set up around the park. Food was picked up from local vendors and donors. Bannock was provided by a local neighbour. Craft tables and sound systems were set up. Bouncy castles (after some delays due to generator issues) began to reach for the sky. And, our face-painter began to work her wonders.

This is McCauley’s party! Planned by McCauley for McCauley, and we had lots of special moments. Our MLA, Brian Mason came out to sit in the sun with us. Local musicians played a variety of instruments for us. Silly songs were sung and stories told, and the kids had their turn at the mic.

The new Arts Collective here in McCauley was one of our special guests, and they led our kids in mask-making and showed their art. Our woodworking table was back this year, and again saw a steady stream of kids hammering and painting their creations for four hours straight. And, of course, the bouncy castles were well-loved. We had a strong turnout of young families with kids, and the many smiles on their faces were all the reward our volunteers needed. The Community League wants to pass along big thanks to Evelina Developments for providing one of the bouncy castles. Thanks, Evelina!

What makes this event work every year is our core of volunteers. So, the McCauley Community League would like to express our deep appreciation for the following. The Breakout Crew from Hope Mission: this team of ten guys was there from the very beginning to the very end, helping with setup, serving food, helping keep the park clean, and lending a hand wherever they were needed. We want to thank the Arts Collective for their smiles and assistance. MCL also wants to thank our organizing team: Kelvin Wright, Grace Kuipers, Stacey Emmerzael, and Mike Van Boom; and our other neighbours and board volunteers who came out to help. We had a lot of fun, and you all made it happen!

Fall Fiesta is organized every year by the McCauley Community League.

Article submitted by the McCauley Community League.

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