Florence Nightin-tail and the Baby Whisperer

On a chilly Valentines Day over five years ago, my husband and I witnessed our friend’s cat give birth. It was a truly amazing experience! When the time came for the kittens to leave their mother, we adopted the runt, a boy named Damien, and the only girl, named Rosie. As a reminder of their birthdays they both bore heart shape markings on the crown of their heads!
This brother sister duo were inseparable. We would often find them with their forelegs wrapped around each other, content in quiet slumber, or meticulously grooming one another.
Our cats also showed us undying love from the beginning. Damien was a lap hog who would head butt you until you gave him a cuddle. When our children were born a few years ago, Damien became their protector and the object of their love (or torture, depending on who you ask), willingly subjecting himself to their affectionate ear/tail/fur pulling, all the while purring and constantly asking for more.
We call Rosie our Florence Nightin-tail. She knows when we are sick before we even do! She won’t leave our sides until we are better and her favourite remedy for any ailment is a few kitty kisses to the nose. She is also the cleanest cat you will ever meet. At least once a day she takes a shower: she hops into the tub, nudges on the tap, sits under the water and washes herself!
Tragically, one and a half years ago we had to put Damien down as he was suffering from a painfully debilitating and incurable genetic disease. It was a terrible day. My husband (who professes he isn’t an “animal person”) and I sobbed over the loss, while Rosie wailed and paced the house for the next two weeks looking for her beloved brother. Thankfully, our children were too young to know what had occurred. We all miss Damien terribly, but feel fortunate to have had him in our lives, even though it was for too short a time.
Even though I have also experienced the frustration a cat can sometimes bring (I have become resigned to the fact that my carpeted stairs will always bear the brunt of sharp claws), I wouldn’t give up Rosie’s undying loyalty and love for anything, ever!
Naomi lives in McCauley with her family.