Soccer Up and Kicking Again
Number of teams doubles this season

Despite a bit of a late start, it’s finally time to lace up those cleats and play some soccer!
The Giovanni Caboto Park fields will be busy almost every night of the week. We doubled our numbers, going from four to eight teams. One of these is our own “Little Tykes” program, for all those little ones who just can’t wait until they’re old enough to play U6. Dan Taylor is taking on the task of coaching.
We have three U6 teams, with coaches Darb Erickson, Greg Hendricks, Michael Ross, Lynett McKell, and Matt McKell. We have two U8 teams this year, with coaches Steve Desjarlais and Leesa Berube coaching the boy’s team and Johnny Child and Amanda Wohlgemuth coaching the mixed team. The U10 team will be coached by Phill Pratt and Johnny Child, and the U12 team by Dan Glugosh and Phill Pratt. Thanks to all of the new and returning coaches for volunteering.
As well, we are grateful for the huge financial support of the McCauley Community League, who makes it possible to keep our fees low and allows us to get kids to play who otherwise wouldn’t get a chance. Thanks also to the McCauley Boys and Girls Club, for giving us space to run our registrations, helping fill out applications, finding cleats for kids, and being a great contact.
McCauley’s colour is green, so whether you are passing through the park, walking the dog, or shopping across the street, have a wander down to the soccer fields and cheer for your local teams.
Grace is the Soccer Coordinator for McCauley.