Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


Freedom is a Human Right

“The secret to happiness is freedom…And the secret to freedom is courage”- Thucydides (Greek Historian, 460 B.C-395 B.C.)

Human rights and freedoms have been around since humankind was established. Living in a democratic country such as Canada, we have the right to express how we live our lives to those in power to help shape our country.

One of the best freedoms I enjoy is the right to speak out to address, assemble, discuss, and peacefully raise awareness.

A society fueled by violence is not freedom. When we elect our officials by a fair system, it is comforting to know we have freedom!

In 2015, I participated in a training course to be a Human Rights Facilitator. It was one of the most eye opening courses I ever took! It was offered by the John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights ( We discussed human rights and freedoms throughout history, from the Magna Carta to present day. The Centre is a plethora of knowledge on these topics in a friendly, factual, educating way, and can teach us all about our freedom and rights. History cannot be re-written but education and knowledge can make us look at what works and what doesn’t.

In our beautiful country and community, freedom is not a luxury – it is a human right.

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