Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Our McCauley

Initiative to host monthly cultural programming.

Are you interested in sharing your talents, learning about each others’ cultures, meeting neighbours, and making friends?

Then come out to the Our McCauley intercultural Gathering! Starting Sunday, April 15 (1-4 p.m.) at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre, we are hosting monthly programming that will give voice to community members’ personal stories of life in McCauley, create space for workshops, celebrate our diverse cultures, and give opportunities for making connections and building intercultural relationships.

Who We Are

The Our McCauley initiative was created to foster intercultural relationships and enhance community engagement in the McCauley area to address racism and poverty. We are a collaboration of multiple Indigenous and Newcomer service agencies in the area, the Abundant Communities initiative, and the McCauley Community League, along with a Community Connector Programmer contractor to help realize our goals – that’s me, Sheryle!

Last year, we hosted an Intercultural Dialogue, historical walking tours, and a Photovoice project that brought community members together to deliver messages about their community using photo storytelling.

The Our McCauley initiative has been reignited with another year of funding to encourage intercultural sharing between cultures that are predominant in McCauley. These cultures include Vietnamese, Somali, Chinese, Indigenous, Filipino, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Italian, Ukrainian, and more. We are excited to invite you to intercultural activities and events that serve you as community members with learning opportunities and fun!

Monthly Intercultural Gathering

Come to the Our McCauley Intercultural Gatherings to share your skills, share your culture, meet each other’s families, build relationships, and gain opportunities that can help you become more empowered in your community.

The gatherings will be planned according to what you, as community members, would like to be involved in and what you would like to share.

Participant engagement and collaboration with other organizations will help inform ongoing and sustainable programming. We want to acknowledge and concentrate on the assets we have as a diverse neighbourhood to make positive change!

At each gathering, there will be intercultural sharing circles, Indigenous knowledge sharing, food, kids’ activities, and arts!

If you are interested in attending, sharing a skill or hosting a workshop, please contact Check out our Facebook page for updates about April 15 and future events. Everyone is welcome!

I am looking forward to meeting you, and helping make our McCauley a community of understanding, vibrancy, safety, inclusivity, and friendship we want to see!

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