Generational Momentum
One of the desired results from current Revitalization strategies is to attract young families to move into the area. Presumably, young couples and families with small children are more likely to own their home, thus reducing the number of absentee landlords. As well, more young people can lead to more energy in the neighbourhood, with programs, activities, and initiatives that are positive and lead to a chain effect. If other families see McCauley as a great place to raise a family, they may come here as well.
Someone told me a tongue in cheek comment recently: nowadays, in the area you can see more people pushing strollers than shopping carts. This really is not a joke. I have witnessed the “baby boom” myself, seeing new young families walking around the area or playing at the park.
At the same time, our mature adults and seniors should not feel left out. They are the parents, grandparents, friends, and mentors who are guiding the next generation.
Both McCauley and Boyle Street are inclusive and diverse neighbourhoods, encompassing a range of cultures, economic statuses, and ages. It is a mixed area, and that is one of the many things that make this part of the city unique.
Generational momentum is something that everyone in the area should find exciting. Who knows? Maybe in the next 10 to 20 years we will see the young people who are currently growing up in the Boyle Street and McCauley neighbourhoods raising their own families here.
In the meantime, let’s celebrate all of the different generations in the area.