Giving Thanks

The Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program team wants to express our gratitude for the many offerings our collaborating agencies contribute to our programming on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. The quality and reach of the services we offer our community would not be the same without the commitment, skills, and support they dedicate to our community members and our programs.
We want to publicly recognize the following collaborators for their hard work and dedication and support for our inner city community and the movement toward a more inclusive world: E4C, Boyle Street Community League, Boys & Girls Club, Edmonton Sport and Social Club, The George Spady Society, Heart of the City Festival, the University of Alberta, Whitemud Equine Learning Centre Association, Equinox Therapeutic Services, the YMCA, The City of Edmonton, Edmonton Arts Council (EAC), McCauley Revitalization, Edmonton Lutheran Mixed Slo-Pitch League, Lady Flower Gardens, Edmonton’s Food Bank, and Pet Food Bank helpers, which includes:
- Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society (GEARS)
- Hope Lives Here Animal Rescue Society (HLH)
- Companion Animal Welfare Society (CAWS)
- Zoe’s Animal Rescue Society
- A Pet’s Pantry Society
- Barrhead Animal Rescue Society (BARS)
- Safe Team – Alberta Helping Animals Society
- Education Not Euthanization
- Second Chance Animal Rescue Society (SCARS)
- Little Paws Inn
- Barclay’s Hope
- B.J. Wolf
- Alberta Animal Rescue Crew Society (AARCS)
- ARTS Senior Animal Rescue
- Misfits of Alberta Animal Rescue and More!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
Hockey / Sportsmanship Award
The October the sportsmanship award went to Graham Fry. Graham has been attending programming for several years. He has always acted as a mentor to players experiencing challenges coping with life events or working toward developing their skills, and has been welcoming to new participants. Due to Graham’s lived experience in his youth, he is able to communicate with others from a place of understanding and first-hand knowledge.
Rylan Kafara is the Program Lead, Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program. Mike Siek and Rebecca Kaiser are Program Coordinators with ICRWP.