Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Is Supper Ready Yet?

Our fundamental connection with food is based on the fact that we need to ingest the energy it provides in order to continue functioning in our physical bodies. No food, no breath. The concept is simple, however our actual relationship with food is much more complex.

One facet of this connection that makes it complicated is the time that we dedicate to preparing and ingesting provisions. It is a task that is repeated several times a day. We prepare our meals and sit down to eat them. Whether it’s a sandwich at lunch or a roast for dinner, a considerable amount of time has to be dedicated solely to this chore. Additionally, we have to make time to go out and buy groceries and haul them home. We’re not out on the plains hunting buffalo anymore but we’re still devoting a fair amount of our day to food.

Another complication to consider is the variety of food available to us. One can find a taste from all corners of the world right here in Edmonton. If you’re a resident of Boyle Street or McCauley you are well aware of the variety of restaurants we have in the area. You can go into the grocery store to find aisles of groceries staring back at you. How many varieties of cheese are there? Having choices is one thing; trying to make a choice is another. How does one choose the best provisions for themselves while keeping food interesting?

The nutritional value of the food we ingest is another consideration of our relationship with food. In order to reduce the time we spend in preparation of meals and snacks nutritional value is sometimes sacrificed. Let’s face it – there are a lot of foods out there that taste good but nowhere near good for you. Gummi Bears is an example that comes foremost in my mind. We have to strike an appropriate balance in order to function at a suitable level for our lifestyles.

Another component that factors into our food is dollar value. Many of us don’t have the luxury of a large food budget, so we have to keep a specific account of our spending in this area. Again, this can mean sacrifices in nutritional value. It can be very frustrating to try and feed our families healthy foods while at the same time not breaking the bank. To do this effectively we have to invest a great deal of time investigating the properties of our food and what it is that we need from them. This serves to further complicate our relationship with food.

Despite what one’s personal relationship may be with food, there is one perspective that I would like to put forward: food gives us energy so that we can circulate energy. That’s an amazing thing. We ingest our food so we can go about our day and do things that affect the environment around us. So, we should all make a deliberate effort to present the best of our energies to our surroundings, even in a seemingly small event as eating dinner.

_Keri lives and eats in Boyle Street. _

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