Kamal Alaeddine: “I like to do the thing and I figure it out as it develops.”

Kamal Alaeddine has been a fixture on the Edmonton street performer scene since he was a teenager, 20-odd years ago. Kamal also works as a stand up comic and entertainer, with notable appearances on The Gong Show and The Tonight Show. He also went on tour with the Jim Rose Circus. Over the years Kamal has gone by several performance names, including “Power Man”, “Fat Matt”, and “Matt Alaeddine”. Kamal has done several one man shows at the Edmonton International Fringe Festival and other Fringes around Canada. His latest show spoke about the internal struggle he had with his name and identity, explaining his various name changes.
In 2024, Heart of the City worked with Kamal to produce a comedy workshop and he headlined our Saturday night Stand Up Comedy show at the festival.
“I was quite proud to have facilitated a comedy workshop which was a great outreach initiative for community members. There were weather and hockey issues but it was great to walk around the park and see artists of other disciplines. It was a positive experience,” he said.
When I asked Kamal about what inspires him, he explained, “I’m inspired by thinking about things in different ways and sharing those viewpoints. I’m excited about sharing my thoughts.”
“I’m a doer. I like to do the thing and I figure it out as it develops,” he continued. “Some people find it more comfortable, or less nerve-racking, to write up their jokes in their entirety. Maybe even before trying stand-up comedy they want to organize their thoughts before they finally present them. They meticulously edit themselves before execution of the jokes. I tend to start with a single point and expand as I go, taking on other ideas and amalgamating them into one monolith. I don’t like to sit down and write. I like to have ideas and present them and figure out the wording on stage.”
Kamal, who doesn’t live in our area, says Giovanni Caboto Park is his favourite part of McCauley. “It is an amazing resource year-round. Even when it’s cold I see the park activated. It’s great to see that park being so well used. I also enjoy shopping at the Italian Centre and visiting my friends who live in Boyle Street and McCauley.”
About the future Kamal says, “Recently I’ve started to do improv shows. There is always a new facet to discover. What keeps me going is how fortunate I’ve been and how lucky I am. The hardest thing is to get started, and luckily I got started a long time ago and the future has an infinity of opportunities.”
Corine Demas lives in McCauley where she is the President of the McCauley Community League and a board member with Heart of the City.