Warm Winter Updates

We've all settled into the remarkably warm weather of this winter. The McCauley rink has been a big success this season. Dan Glugosh, our rink manager, reports that 818 people visited the rink in December. While the warm weather is lovely, it’s hard on the ice, so closures may happen more often this season.
On December 22nd we held a Christmas party, where Santa came by and gave stockings stuffed with treats and small gifts to the kids. We also had a fireworks watch party at the rink on December 31st. These events were sponsored by the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) labour union. We wish to thank CLAC for its generosity.
At the time I was writing this, the League was busy planning the McCauley Cup, our annual game between Edmonton Police Service beat officers and the kids who skate at our rink. By the time you read this, the event will have happened on January 25th (weather cooperating). We will have more about the McCauley Cup on our Facebook page (@mccauleycommunityleague) and in the next issue of the paper.
The rink is operated out of a trailer donated to us by ATCO 15 years ago. The current board of the McCauley Community League is committed to building a rink pavilion. We have made progress and, as of the time this article was written, we were about to publish a Request for Proposal (RFP) to hire a project manager. The RFP will be published on our Facebook page and website as well as other outlets. If you would like more information, please email us at league@mccauleycl.com.
Former Edmonton Oiler Al Hamilton has done wonders over the years to raise funds and awareness of the McCauley Rink. We are grateful for his passionate and continued support. Mr. Hamilton recently donated an Edmonton Oilers jersey signed by Stuart Skinner. Watch our Facebook page and check our website (mccauleycl.com) as we will be raffling off the jersey this winter in support of the new rink pavilion building.
Looking ahead, we will host our annual Family Day party on February 16th from 1 to 4 p.m. Do you have any ideas for community events or programming? Please email us at league@mccauleycl.com.
Corine Demas is the President of the McCauley Community League and is on the board of Boyle McCauley News.