Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Keep Learning in Your Golden Years

“Growing old can be fun, if you do it with the right people…”

I recently saw this on a sign when I visited a relative in a seniors’ facility. It reminded me of how aging can be glorious and eventful.

Days before the internet, television, or even the telephone, there was a generation of people that communicated face to face. I often enjoy hearing stories of past generations who grew up around significant events, while counting my blessings and savouring the knowledge and advice.

Here in Edmonton through the University of Alberta we have a diverse program for those who yearn to learn. ELLA stands for Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association, a diverse program for the “youthfully challenged.” Here is a brief description of ELLA from their website:

The Edmonton Lifelong Learners Association (ELLA) is a volunteer, non-profit organization in partnership with the University of Alberta. Choose up to five courses daily from a wide range in the Sciences, Humanities, Fine Arts, Literature and Writing to Computers, and Physical Activity. The courses have no pre-requisites or exams. The program is available once a year during the first three weeks of May for older adults.

I was fortunate enough to join a writing group with some inspiring, amazing individuals via this program and I treasured every moment. These gifted persons were mostly chronicling their memoirs and as we had “group critique” I was in awe of the experiences this group had and what they gained. It gave me an essence of life.

I love the saying “Never stop Learning” and I truly believe these people were reaching their peak and sharing their past. Life can start in your golden years. The reason they are called golden is because they should be treasured!

For those interested, ELLA can be reached at:
or by telephone at: (780) 492-5055.

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