Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Learning is Totally Punk Rock!

Did you know Edmonton has a vibrant punk history? And that the Boyle Street/McCauley area played an important role? For instance, early punk shows used to be held in the basement of Sacred Heart Church!

If you are interested in punk music, culture, activism, or just social movements in general, please join a free course called the History of Punk! It’s been held here in Edmonton since 2012, offering free classes on topics ranging from the history of the Edmonton punk scene to the legacy of Indian Residential Schools. Whatever we examine, it’s through the lens of punk (community, participation, and an inclusive attitude). We are gearing up for a new term, and will be meeting in late November to plan out the next semester. If you’d like to be involved, please contact Rylan at

Joining the course is completely free! All-ages and all-welcome.

Rylan is the Program Coordinator of the Inner City Recreation and Wellness Program.

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