Leisure Access Program
A new year is upon us. Did you make any resolutions? Ones you feel you can commit to? At times these resolutions come with a price. For those who have limited finances, the most common resolution of being healthy and happy may seem unrealistic.
But how does taking a walk in a heated array of flora sound? Or relaxing in a Jacuzzi? Or going swimming and exercising for your health? Maybe even partaking in a fitness group or yoga class?
“Not without a price,” you think. Well, the City of Edmonton offers a Leisure Access Program for those on moderate income. One of the things the Leisure Access Program offers is free admission to City of Edmonton Recreation Facilities (excluding golf courses). Some of these facilities offer classes and have qualified people on hand to assist and answer questions.
Applying is easy. You can walk in to any City of Edmonton Recreation Faculty with your current Government Assistance or Health Benefits card and present it to the cashier. Passes are good for one year and can then be renewed.
Parents can accompany their children to obtain a pass for them. This also gets you into City operated facilities like the Valley Zoo and Fort Edmonton Park.
Any questions can be answered by contacting the Leisure Access Program office at (780) 496-4918.
So imagine – a day at the Muttart, Fort Edmonton Park, or any one of the participating facilities that have swimming, athletic equipment, and even classes. What a way to start a new year!
A healthy regime and state of mind are gifts that keep on giving all year.
See you at the pool!
Ian is a resident of Boyle Street, a member of the Advisory Board for Services for Persons with Disabilities for the City of Edmonton, and the recipient of the Glenrose Award of Courage.