McCauley 2015 Outdoor Soccer Registration Dates

Monday March 16 and Wednesday March 18 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at McCauley Boys & Girls Club (9425 109A Avenue).
Community League Membership: Bring your 2015 Membership Card or you can purchase at time of Registration: $5.00 per/family.
Birth Certificate or Proof of Birth: New registrants only.
Equipment Options: Have option of providing your own shin guards/socks / shorts, or purchase through the league. Jerseys provided for all teams.
KIDSPORT Applications Available: Can receive up to $70 per child towards registration fee. Must bring a photocopy of one(1) of the following Government documents:
- Alberta Works Child Health Benefits Letter
- Income Support
- Copy of receipt of the City of Edmonton Leisure Access Pass
- Canada Child Tax Benefit Notice (1st page)
Discounts Available: Can receive credits towards your registration fee. This year we require deposit cheques of either $50 or $100, depending on the task you sign up for, that we will hold as a guarantee, until the commitment is fulfilled.