Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Many Thanks for A Successful Season

What a successful season at the rink for the 2011/12 season! In the month of February, the rink had a total of 1239 people who came out to skate. The rink was open for 26 out of the 29 days. We had to close for three days due to snow. The average attendance for the days we were open was 47 people a day. Total attendance for January and February was 1879. The daily average for the two months was 41 people a day skating.

There are so many people to thank for all the success this year. Here are some of those people and their contributions. David Prodan, from E4C McCauley apartments, organized the Saturday learn to skate program and the very successful Wednesday after school learn to skate program. Every Wednesday the rink was packed full of kids coming out to skate and having fun. I would like to add that E4C has been running skating programs or events at the rink for close to ten years. Thank you for all your commitment to our community and all the work you do for the rink. The volunteers who came out to help with the two programs were Alexandra Kampath, Katelyn Atchison, and Troy Adams. Thank you for all your work.

The City of Edmonton recreation staff came out every Wednesday and Saturday to help the kids on and off the ice. Also new for this year was the University of Alberta community services learning placement students. It was nice having all of you around assisting the kids with their skating needs.

There was a new tradition started, it was called wiener Wednesdays. Every Wednesday the fire was started and the kids would roast hotdogs over the fire and enjoy a cup of Sparky’s famous hot chocolate. I would like to thank Rexall Myros Pharmacy and all the staff for the donations of hotdogs, the buns, and condiments. This leads nicely to thank McCauley Revitalization for the firewood so we could roast the hotdogs.

Every day that the rink was open during the skating season there were snacks, juices, and hot chocolate for all the kids. Coffee was also donated. Thanks to the generous donation from Challenger Insurance for putting smiles on the kids’ faces and making sure they had an after school snack.

You are making a difference to our community kids’ lives, and giving opportunities to children that may or may not have any. You all are very inspiring.

In February, Oilers Alumnus Marty McSorley came out and skated with the kids. He took pictures with them and gave out autographs. The kids had so much fun, and to see how excited they where to hang out with an Edmonton Oiler had me smiling. Thank you to Marty McSorley, and the Edmonton Oilers Alumni Association.

The McCauley Community League needs much recognition for their long lasting financial support in keeping the rink up and running for so many years. The need from our community league will grow as the rink becomes a facility used throughout all seasons. Without your help we wouldn’t be here today.

Thank you to Ted Green, Al Hamilton, Father Jim Holland, and Lyle “Sparky” Kulchisky, for all the hard work you do behind the scenes for the kids of our community and the commitment to making the rink a fun place for everyone in McCauley and surrounding areas. Your work is making a difference.

Lastly, to everyone who has helped with the rink whom I haven’t mentioned (and those who I have), your help is revitalizing a neighbourhood. You are making a difference to our community kids’ lives, and giving opportunities to children that may or may not have any. You all are very inspiring.

In May’s issue of Boyle McCauley News I will write an update on the up and coming programs and any news on upgrades at the rink.

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