Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2024 • Circulation 5000


May 2016

Our theme for May is Recreation and several of our writers explore ways in which they like to have fun. I think for many of our contributors, writing and photography are recreational activities, and I am so glad they have decided to share their love of words and pictures with the paper.

Recreation is now a bigger part of our pages, with our new feature of a Sudoku puzzle on page 15. The solution is found on page 6, which comes way before 15, so no cheating! Seriously, we’re trying to find new ways to engage readers and grow interest in the paper.

Speaking of which, we’re still looking for a few ad sales reps, so if you want to help support the paper while making a few dollars in your spare time, this might be a good opportunity for you. And if you have a local business in or around McCauley or Boyle Street, please consider advertising with us. We need your support and are very grateful for our group of advertisers who grace the pages of the paper on a regular basis.

As always, if you have contributions, suggestions, or would like to volunteer with us, please contact me at We are always in need of block carriers and contributors, especially photographers who can cover local events. Thanks, and have a great month of May!

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