McCauley: Active and Connected

Between the two of us, we’ve lived in 13 different Edmonton neighbourhoods. McCauley stands out as the most active and connected – by far! Here are just a handful of examples why.
October 31st marked the 26th anniversary of the Annual Inner City Kids Safe Halloween Party. The event attracted more than 120 kids and their families to the McCauley Rink for games, candy, hot apple cider, prizes, and a DJ spinning spooky tunes.
September 18th was Edmonton’s Community League Day. A party took place at the McCauley Rink, attracting 409 people. The event featured a bouncy obstacle course, balloon art, kids crafts and performances by DJ Creeasian, the ESO Brass Quintet, Prince Charles Métis Fiddlers, Ging Wu Martial Arts, and Manny Valencia’s Esquina Latina. Three hundred hot dogs, 400 beverages, and 100 pastries were given away – as well as 60 litter grabbers and 25 sharps containers!
2021 has been a very successful year for the McCauley Community League Soccer Program, with 70 kids registering to take part in weekly practices and non-competitive games at Giovanni Caboto Park. For the colder months the action continues indoors at the Edmonton Intercultural Centre. Kids are coming from across Edmonton to participate.
Litter Blitzes are regular fixtures on the McCauley calendar. Ten events have attracted 299 volunteers to remove 252 bags of litter from our neighbourhood. Four of these events have dovetailed with McCauley Clean Ups which have removed 156 pick up truck loads of illegally dumped junk and unwanted large items from the neighbourhood.
Dog Walkabouts are a fun way to meet neighbours, get some exercise, explore new areas of the neighbourhood, and be a positive presence on our streets. Four events have attracted 44 people to walk and talk with their neighbours.
The Piazza project brought nearly 100 investors together to solve a chronic commercial problem-property issue in the heart of McCauley. And now neighbours are coming together to explore the future of the Sacred Heart School – and to ensure that it becomes a community asset rather than a piece of real estate that exacerbates existing issues.
The list goes on: the Children’s Garden, front porch concerts, cooking classes, writing classes, ball hockey, cycling clinics . . . with the promise of much more on the horizon.
Credit and appreciation to the individuals and organizations for leading the way on these initiatives, including but certainly not limited to: Shelley Hollingsworth, Mike Siek, Coach Allan Suarez, Leif Gregersen, Ruth Sorochan, Ann Vriend, Albert Bernard, Kevin Jones, Yasushi Ohki, McCauley Community League, McCauley Revitalization, Safer McCauley, Viva Italia District, Boyle McCauley News, E4C, Edmonton Intercultural Centre, Chinatown Safety Council, Chinatown Transformation Collaborative, Boyle Street Ventures, McCauley Development Cooperative, Edmonton Community Development Company, Ever Active Schools, REACH Edmonton, MP Blake Desjarlais, MLA Janis Irwin, and Councillor Anne Stevenson. And, of course, to all McCauley neighbours for showing up for each other and our neighbourhood!
Mark is the Program Manager for REACH Edmonton’s Neighbourhood Organizing Initiative.
Alice is the President of the McCauley Community League Board.