Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Meals With a Side of Life Skills

A well-run restaurant is like a winning baseball team. It makes the most of every crew member’s talent.

Such is the case of Kids in the Hall Bistro at City Hall. Although located just slightly outside of community, it definitely has precise roots to Boyle Street and McCauley. It even has a growing space in the Community Garden behind Alex Taylor School which is the location of E4C of which Kids in the Hall is a program.

Kids in the Hall is a program that teaches at-risk youth skills and confidence to obtain employment serving, preparing, and creating food. It is also an important link to social skills when it comes to customer service.

Program clients usually are inner city youth (aged 16-24) from unstable home environments. Often they have faced multiple barriers to schooling and employment. Many have been involved with the criminal justice or child welfare systems, have been homeless, or depend on social assistance.

The program is geared to tackle the issues that have blocked young people from success. For participants, it is an opportunity to gain real experience in a supportive atmosphere. This actual on-the-job experience, in a viable restaurant, has led to a high success rate. “Success” means that youth secure employment or continue their education after their program ends.

Kids in the Hall Bistro offers an exciting and rewarding program. More and more youth apply each year.

Program graduates leave with:
  • Concrete employment skills.
  • Life skills.
  • Work experience and an understanding of basic work responsibilities.
  • Competency in various food service industry roles.
  • An understanding of their responsibility for their own career development.
  • Increased self-esteem and sense of self-worth.

Add to this their outstanding menu! As a frequent visitor to City Hall and a foodie to boot, I have enjoyed many experiences at Kids in The Hall Bistro. The service is top notch and the outstanding food is prepared with that secret ingredient-compassion.

I have also attended many events that were catered by Kids in The Hall and have never been disappointed!

If you give them a try you are not only enjoying a pleasure to the palate but providing experience and confidence to a great program.

For more information call (780) 413-8060 or visit

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