Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


Meet Melissa Milakovic!

As the days lengthen and the temperatures attempt to rise, we’re furiously busy in our tiny powerhouse of a temporary office. It’s the oft-repeated message on the street: Boyle Renaissance Plaza is opening soon. Soon we will have space to rent, programs to present, and art to share. In the meantime, there’s more good news.

You’ll soon be seeing a new face in the neighbourhood. It belongs to Melissa Milakovic, our Program and Membership Administrator. She’ll take over the membership drive reins and be a presence in and around Boyle Street. Melissa brings a stunning wealth of experience and skills to her position. An accomplished visual artist and yoga instructor, she has also led several community mural projects with children and youth throughout Central America. She has worked with agencies such as the Boyle Street Youth Centre and Boys and Girls Club, Change for Children, Canadian Mental Health Association, Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation, and ArtStart with E4C.

It is fitting then, that one of Melissa’s first undertakings is to coordinate a community mural project in association with the Quarters Downtown.

Noted Brazilian spray paint artist and social activist Panmela Castro will mentor several Edmonton graffiti/spray paint artists to create a legacy mural project on the House of Refuge Mission. The mission feeds the homeless and needy people who consider Boyle Street their home. The mural will honour their humanity and also express the energy and renewal of the neighbourhood. The significant art project will transform the run-down Mission into a showpiece with pride of place in the community, and will enhance the neighbourhood renewal too. The community will benefit from Panmela’s experiences with art as a tool of advocacy.

We look forward to welcoming Panmela and her team of artists to our neigbourhood!

You’ll soon be seeing a new face in the neighbourhood. It belongs to Melissa Milakovic, our Program and Membership Administrator.

And don’t forget that there’s a big Canada Day Party July 1, from noon – 4:00 p.m. on Harbin (102) Avenue. Come down, buy a ticket for $2.50 and enjoy a hot dog while you take in the free entertainment! Remember our community swim every Saturday at Commonwealth from 5-7 p.m. The secret is that once you’re there, you can work out anywhere in the fitness centre and stay until closing. Best deal in town–but you have to belong to the community league to get it, so stop at or call the office (780-422-5857) for your membership, which is free until the end of 2012.

Kids of all ages are welcome at the “green shack” at Mother Teresa Playground starting on July 3! Free games and crafts will enliven the community Monday to Friday!

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